Is it Safe to Learn to Drive from a Private Instructor or Should We Join a Government-Approved Driving School Only?

Learning to drive is a significant milestone in many people’s lives, marking newfound independence and freedom. However, one crucial decision learners must make is whether to opt for a private driving instructor or enroll in a government-approved driving school. Each option has its pros and cons, and understanding them is essential for making an informed choice. Pros and Cons of Learning from a Private Instructor Pros: Private instructors offer personalized attention to their students, tailoring…


Is it Possible to Get By in Michigan, USA as an Adult Without a Driver’s License?

In today’s car-centric society, the thought of navigating daily life without a driver’s license can seem daunting. However, for many adults living in Michigan, it is not only possible but also a reality. While having a driver’s license undoubtedly offers convenience and freedom, various factors contribute to the feasibility of getting by without one in the Great Lakes State. Challenges of Not Having a Driver’s License Transportation Limitations One of the most significant challenges faced…